Cash Advance Loans
A cash advance loan is a financial product you get quickly, and most importantly, online with no hidden fees. You usually need to have a good credit history and prove your creditworthiness. With Ethicon Credit Union, everything is much more straightforward. We will evaluate your application without unnecessary formalities and will transfer your money to your bank card, current account, or cash it.
How to Apply for an Online Loan?
The steps borrowers should follow to apply for an online cash loan:
Complete the credit application
Receive confirmation by email within one hour or less
Get the money on the next business day
We do not need additional documents. Just fill out a simple form with your personal data and solve your financial problem immediately.
Our loan service works online and is 100% safe for American consumers.
Repayment Process
Customers don’t need to repay personally the loan. We will withdraw the money from their bank accounts on the due date or on the next paycheck. It is safe and implies no third parties in such a process.
Questions & Answers
How do I extend my loan?
It is possible based on individual conditions - previous or revised, depending on the term and amount of the loan.
How can I be sure of the protection of my personal data?
You can be absolutely sure. Personal data are processed on the basis of the authorization №0000301-001, issued by the National Center for Personal Data Protection. Your personal data is confidential information for which we are responsible. They are used only in the process of examining credit applications, as well as in granting and repaying the loan.
What if I can repay the loan on time?
Please note that in case of non-payment of funds on time, in addition to interest, a penalty of 5% - 7% per day will be applied to the entire amount of accumulated debt. In case you are unable to repay the debt in full, you can only pay the interest on the loan and conclude a new contract under the same conditions. If the debtor is late with the payment for more than 10 days, we reserve the right to collect the debt in court.